Sunday, May 2, 2010

Initial Lecture Notes and YouTube

Initial Lecture Notes--> These notes provide an initial introduction to plants themselves and how they grow. It then goes into a little detail about green beans and special care that they need.

Informative YouTube--> This YouTube provides valuable information on how to grow beans to learn what type of products to use and how long it takes to grow beans. There is also subtitles for students who cannot speak english.

Bean Graph

The students will be asked to create a graph using the data they collected while they were growing their plants.  The following example is graph created using Inspire Data.  Since the class only has four computers and their is eight groups the students will take turns creating graphs on the computer.    This will tests the students ability to see if they can analyze and understand the data they gathered from the project.

Informative Website

Here is a screen shot of a website created for Mr.Black's Class that contains basic information about beans and their growth:
Click here to access this website

On this site, there are various pages including one that outlines tips for growing beans, basics about beans, stages of bean growth and a page for both a graph and photos to be uploaded by the students. This a great tool for the students because it allows them to keep all their information in one place. They can also access this website from home if they ever have any questions regarding information on bean growth. When the students post pictures of the stages of their own beans growth they can compare it to other groups and see how their bean compares. This helps the students gauge the growth of their individual bean to see how it compares to the other beans.

(Hannah Srebnik)


These note cards enhance the students memory in remembering what each part of the bean sprout will look like. This also helps students focus because they are coloring the note cards and cutting; therefore, it helps students memorize information more efficiently. Note cards are effective because it gives students the chance on quizzing themselves on information they have learned.

This worksheet also helps students remember each part of the bean sprout. This worksheet is very effective because it allows students to stay engaged in an activity because they are not only trying to figure out what each part of the plant is but also they are coloring the bean sprout. Worksheets help students learn information that was learned previously in a section. I recommend teachers to give students worksheets so they know their students learned information.